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2005 & 2006 Futurity Winners
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2 Year Old Futurity
1st Place ~ 350 - Walker Bucking Stock Breeders
2nd Place ~ Lot 443 - Justin Twogood
3rd Place ~ Lot 442 - Justin Twogood
4th Place ~ 344 - Leon Frakes

3 Year Old Futurity
1st Place ~ Back and Black - Dale Kling
2nd Place ~ 210 Red Water - Wes Janis
3rd Place ~ 285 - Walker Bucking Stock Breeders
4th Place ~ D7 Double Martini - Sonny & Tracy DeRose

2 Year Old Futurity
1st Place ~ 48 - Alberta Child / MX Bar Ranch David & Laurie McDonald
2nd Place ~ Lot 185 - Justin Twogood
3rd Place ~ Lot 181 - John McNeeley
4th Place ~ Y31 - Rudy Ostrem

3 Year Old Futurity
1st Place ~ 16 - Rocky Top / Jack Palmantier
2nd Place ~ Lot 323 - MX Bar Ranch
David & Laurie McDonald
3rd Place ~ 301 Crow Agent - Wes Janis
4th Place ~ Lot 219 - Duane Ashbacher

Breeders Classic Bucking Horse & Bull Sale ~ 12557 Lone Butte Rd Grassy Butte, ND 58634

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Website designed by Amber LaDue-Kling
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